Consulting Services for Immigration matters Japanese site

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Consulting Services for Incorporation of new company & Company registration

Incorporation of new company & Company registration
Under the new company law since 2006, we can set up a Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) by a single person as a promoter and a director. There is no requirement of minimum amount of capital. However, there may be one or more representatives, but at least one of them must be a resident of Japan. Further more you have to make an article of incorporation, payment of capital at a bank and application for registration at registry office. We will make such complicated procedures on behalf of you. For more details, please see the flow chart below;

Flow chart of incorporation of new company

Step 1 : Studying matters related to incorporation ※1
Step 2 : Getting alien registration and Personal seal impression registration at municipal office of the ward you live in Japan ※2
Obtaining certificate of registered seal (CRS) from them
Step 3 : Preparation of a draft of articles of incorporation and other required documents
Making company’s seal for registration
(We will make it based on your desire)
Step 4 : Attestation of the articles of incorporation at Notary public office
Step 5 : Payment of subscription money at promoter’s bank account
Step 6 : Registration of incorporation at legal affairs bureau
(Ordinary, it takes a week to finish the registration)
Step 7 : Opening a bank account of the new company
※1 We have to decide structure of new company such as corporate name, business objective, head office, accounting year etc.
※2 The registered seal and certificate of registered seal of each promoter is required for the preparation and attestation of the article of incorporation. CRS of the person ( i.e.appointed as representative director) is also required for the application for registration of incorporation. CRS should be obtained in advance from the local municipal office where your residence has been registered.
※3 In Japan, a person’s identity is evidenced by seal impression rather than signature. You can register your personal seal impression at the local municipal office at the same time when you apply for alien registration.
※4 The representative seal of a corporation is the seal which is used by representative director when he acts in his power as such. It must be registered when the application for registration of incorporation is made.
【Fees for Joint stock company Kabushiki Kaishiya(KK)】
ITEM Fees in JP Yen
Professional fee 157,500 (inclusive of 5% consumption tax)
Stamp fee 200,000
Incidental expenses 10,000 – 30,000
Total Amount 367,500 – 387,500

Our professional fee is accepted once the work is completed.

You can make a branch registration with 1 person as a representative.

Branch registration
You have another option to make legal entity in Japan besides incorporation of KK. You can make a branch registration of your company. Setting up a branch office is simpler than incorporation of new company. There is no need to make an article of incorporation and payment of subscription money. But you have to make an affidavit at Notary public office in your country or your countries’ Embassy in Japan and then apply for a branch registration at the legal affaires bureau.
Our services are to create required documents and take these complicated procedures on behalf of you.

【Fees for Setting up a Branch】
ITEM Fees in JP Yen
Professional fee 105,000 (inclusive of 5% consumption tax)
Stamp fee 90,000
Incidental expenses 10,000 – 20,000
Total Amount 205,000 – 215,000

Our professional fee is accepted once the work is completed.

You have to full fill various requirements provided in Japanese immigration control act in order to get official visa status and be permitted to engage in remunerative activities.

There are a lot of requirements for every foreigner to get working visa in Japanese immigration control act. Criteria and requirements are provided individually for each kind of visa status. The immigration inspectors will examine and study Vio data of applicant, his specific field, job description at his company and reason to work. Even if he full fill all the criteria and requirements formally, it will be difficult to get permission without substances. We have been asked to help such rejected cases, but it is not easy to remake rejected case permission. We strongly recommend you to visit us in order to get guaranteed visa without much trouble.

Key contents of immigration procedures

1.Application for Certificate of Eligibility (COE) at the immigration bureau in Japan
The Certificate of Eligibility has the advantage of reducing the time required to obtain a visa and complete immigration procedures, since a foreigner in possession of such a certificate can probably acquire a visa at an embassy or consulate without any inquiries being made to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, by showing the certificate to the immigration officer, obtain landing permission more easily.
. However, it may need a lot of supporting materials and time to establish that the applicant fulfills the requirement under the immigration control Act (ICA) in a brief landing examination. Therefore, in ICA, the procedures to apply for the certificate in advance showing that the applicant fulfills the above requirement are established. This certificate is called “Certificate of Eligibility” (COE). If the applicant carries it, the landing procedures are simplified. The COE basically shows the embassy at which you are applying for a visa that there is a company willing to hire you, and they trust you already. This way, the Embassy will be able to speed up your visa process, since all the background checks have pretty much been done by the company, and the immigration office in Japan

Fees for Application for Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) processing
Investor/Business manager 262,500~per person or per passport
Intra-Company Transferee as a representative 262,500~ per person or per passport
Specialist in humanities/International services 157,500 per person or per passport
Engineer 157,500 per person or per passport
Intra-Company Transferee 157,500 per person or per passport
Dependent 52,500 per person or per passport
Spouse of Japanese national 52,500 per person or per passport
*Inclusive of 5% consumption tax
The fee for CoE is negotiable based on number of visa application processed.
Our professional fee is accepted once the work is completed.

2.Application for change of visa status

Fees for Application processing - Change of visa status and Re-entry permit

Investor/Business manager 262,500~per person or per passport
Intra-Company Transferee as a representative 262,500~ per person or per passport
Specialist in humanities/International services 105, 000 per person or per passport
Engineer 105, 000 per person or per passport
Intra-Company Transferee 105, 000 per person or per passport
Dependent 52,500 per person or per passport
Spouse of Japanese national 52,500 per person or per passport
*Inclusive of 5% consumption tax
You must pay Yen10, 000 for stamp fee per person or per passport. (To be paid to immigration Authorities)
All above fees are negotiable based on number of visa application processed.
Our professional fee is accepted once the work is completed.

Fees for Application processing - Change of visa status and Re-entry permit based on CoE
For an applicant 21, 000 per person or per passport
*Inclusive of 5% consumption tax
You must pay Yen10, 000 for stamp fee per person or per passport. (To be paid to immigration Authorities)
All above fees are negotiable based on number of visa application processed.
Our professional fee is accepted once the work is completed.

3. Application for permission to extend period of stay
If a foreign national desires to remain in Japan under the same visa status beyond his visa expiry, it is necessary to apply and obtain a visa extension.
A foreign national who wishes to extend his period of stay should make an application for visa extension not later than the date of visa expiration. and the same should be done two months prior to the expiry date.

Fees for Application for Extension of period of stay and Re-entry permit
Investor/Business manager 105, 000 per person or per passport
Other status 31, 500 per person or per passport
Employee joined from another company 52, 500 per person or per passport
*Inclusive of 5% consumption tax
You must pay Yen6, 000 for stamp fee per person or per passport. (To be paid to immigration Authorities)
All above fees are negotiable based on number of visa application processed.
Our professional fee is accepted once the work is completed.

4. Application for re-entry permission
A foreign national who wishes to leave Japan to other countries temporarily and re-enter, to continue his previously granted visa status within his visa expiration need not newly obtain a visa from a Japanese consulate abroad, if he has obtained a re-entry permission before he leaves Japan. (If he leaves Japan without re-entry permission, his visa status will be canceled.)

Fees for Application for re-entry permit
For an applican 10, 500 per person or per passport
*Inclusive of 5% consumption tax
You must pay Yen6, 000 for stamp fee per person or per passport. (To be paid to immigration Authorities)
All above fees are negotiable based on number of visa application processed.
Our professional fee is accepted once the work is completed.

5. Permission for Permanent Residence (PR)
In order to make a PR application, one has to stay in Japan continuously for ten years with a proper official visa. Other requirements for PR application are as follows.
1. That the person is of good conduct.
2. That the person has sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living.
3. That the PR of the person is in accord with the interests of Japan

If you have some contribution to Japanese culture or society, above mentioned 10 years is reduced to 5 years. Many cases based on contribution had been successfully closed by the immigration bureau.

(Case #1)
A science and technology researcher was granted PR prior to his completion of his stay in Japan for 10 years(he stayed for 9 years and 5 months) as he had presented dozens of papers to science and technology journals and the same was considered by the immigration control as a contribution to Japan’s science and technology level.

(Case #2)
The applicant was an amateur sport player and served as a sport coach simultaneously in Japan. He even participated in World Cup. The immigration control authority considered this as his contribution in improving Japan's sports. (The applicant has stayed in Japan for 7 years and 7 months.)

(Case #3)
Here the applicant got his PR inspite of his 5 years and 10 months stay as he had contributed to Japan’s music world as a university professor in music and giving free lessons for enterprising musicians.

Fees for Application for Permanent residence
For a main applicant
Case based on contribution to Japan society
For a spouse of Japanese nationa
105,000 per person or per passport
210,000 per person or per passport
84,000 per person or per passport

Application to be made together with main applicant
52,500 per person or per passport
10,500 per person or per passport

*Inclusive of 5% consumption tax
You must pay Yen8, 000 for stamp fee per person or per passport. (To be paid to immigration Authorities)
All above fees are negotiable based on number of visa application processed.
Our professional fee is accepted once the work is completed.

Global Legal Support Inc. & Awatsuji Office

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